Why is Russia helping the Somali army?

sweats are underway to ameliorate relations between Somalia and Russia, where this week he returned as Somalia's foreign minister.

Abshir Omar Haruse held a meeting with the long- serving minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov in Moscow, who started his stint of the Horn of Africa this week. It was the loftiest- position meeting between the two countries since the morning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which further receded the relationship between the United States and the old power during the Cold War.

In a common press conference held by the two sides in Moscow, they said that they bandied perfecting and strengthening relations between the two sides, which haven't made significant progress since the revolution cut ties with the Soviet Union forty- five times agone . Prior to that, Russia had a close relationship with Somalia, as it was considered to be the most influential country that played a major part in the construction of the Somali army.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that his country is ready to support the Somali army with military outfit that can help in the fight against the Al- Shabaab group. Lavrov blazoned this plan after he'd a discussion with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia in Moscow. He didn't unfold on the type and volume of military outfit they've with Somalia. It isn't clear how this military outfit will affect the arms proscription on Somalia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia and Russia meeting in Moscow

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who disassociated his country's former relations with Somalia previous to the Somalia- Ethiopian war, also mentioned that he and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia are agitating the medications for the meeting of leaders of Russia and Africa that's listed to be held in the month July. A elderly functionary who was part of the Somali foreign minister's delegation to Moscow verified to the BBC that Lavrov made these pledges to Somalia during the bilateral meeting, and indeed at the common press conference held by the two ministers

The functionary declined to give farther details about the conversations between the two sides. The West now accuses Russia of having greedy dogfaces from the Wagner group in several African countries. They're suspected of operating in the Central African Republic, Mali, Mozambique, Libya and other countries.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Somalia reached an agreement in Moscow

Abdisalam Guled, a security expert and former deputy commander of Somalia's intelligence agency, told the BBC that it seems that the meetings between the two sides in Moscow have been in the workshop for a long time, noting that military backing from Russia can change a lot about the power of the government and internal security." Somalia needs numerous countries to help in the fight against Al- Shabab. Russia can be one of the most good bones who can play a big part," said Abdisalaam.

He added that the government of Somalia will need a plan, care and discussion as it manages the relationship it wants to have with Russia, which is a big conflict between the western countries on which Somalia depends economically and politically." 

Russia is the country that erected all the training, outfit, and indeed military camps for the Somali army, before which there was no strong Somali army," said the former deputy commander of Somalia's intelligence agency. The Russian government is presently trying to establish relations and alliances with African countries in order to contend with Western countries whose relations have worsened after the conflict in Ukraine.

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